Property Client – Fire Loss

The Challenge:

Spartan was assigned to recover $34,517.23 due to smoke damage resulting from a fire that started in a restaurant below the insured residence. Our investigation concluded that the restaurant owner was responsible for the fire, and Spartan pursued them for recovery. The carrier for the building owner confirmed that the fire initiated in the restaurant. Contact was made with the restaurant owner, who directed our Recovery Specialist to their agent who denied our claim on the basis that there was never a fire in the restaurant because no loss was filed by the restaurant owner! They further asserted that there was no fire report or cause and origin report. Spartan persevered and reported the claim to the carrier for the restaurant, who also ultimately denied our claim due to insufficient evidence being presented.

The Outcome:

Still not being deterred or giving up, the Spartan Recovery Specialist retained a Fire Investigator to obtain additional research and support that the fire did, in fact, occur and cause the stated damages to the insured property. Through the combined efforts of the Spartan Recovery Specialist and the C&O investigator, a YouTube video of the fire surfaced thus proving the fire had occurred! The evidence was provided to the carrier for the restaurant and Spartan joyously resolved the claim for 100%!

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