Tag: Negotiation

Workers’ Compensation Client – Closed File Review – Lien Recovery

The Challenge: The underlying WC claim arose out of two separate accidents which both occurred in February of 2006.  The first loss occurred on the 10th and the second on the 19th.  In both accidents the claimant’s vehicle was rear-ended and she sustained neck-related injuries as well as thoracic strain and a litany of low […]

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Automobile Client – Open File Review – Loss Transfer Subrogation-Arbitration

The Challenge: This automobile PIP Loss Transfer claim involved the insured vehicle traveling on a main roadway near the train station when the adverse vehicle pulled from a stop sign from the train station parking lot directly into the right side of the passing insured vehicle causing extensive property damages as well as significant injuries […]

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Transportation Automobile Client – Referral for Uninsured Case

The Challenge: This claim was referred to us by our transportation client to pursue an uninsured motorist who had caused substantial damages to the client vehicle. All efforts to confirm third party insurance coverage were exhausted by the client prompting referral to Spartan Recoveries.   The Outcome: Upon receipt of the claim further investigation and […]

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Managing expenses on low dollar property cases

After a loss, the first person to be in contact with a policyholder is the first report taker who is trained to listen carefully to the details of the loss being reported and records it accordingly, but who has no knowledge of the ultimate severity of the loss.  The carrier field insurance adjuster or an […]

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